![]() 02/20/2015 at 13:03 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Do any of you Opponauts have a strange habit of collecting things? For example, I keep every 1966 quarter I come across (my birth year) and every Bicentennial quarter I find. I remember when I first saw the 1976 quarter and thought it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen. The country was pretty caught up in Bicentennial fever as it was. So—does Oppo collect anything weird? Not necessarily things to make a set or even a collection, but things you keep just because.
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I too collect the Bicentennial quarters I find. I also collect Wisconsin quarters because some have an error where they were stamped with an extra ear on the corn cob. I want to find one because they are worth more. Why I collect the normal ones is anyones guess but I do.
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You're a year or two off on the quarters actually being worth anything. '64 or '65 was the last year of the silver quarters, and their worth a few bucks each.
I also keep a bicentennial when I find one, and $2 bills.
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I collect Avon cologne decanters which have some car designs which I collect
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Yeah. It's known as "junk". I'm a bit of a pack rat.
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My wife make me throw or yard sale away anything I "would" collect!
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Knives and belt buckles. Have a coin collection stuffed somewhere at my mom's house. At this point might as well own up to collection e28 parts as well.
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Haha, yeah I hoard 1976 quarters as well. I have over 30 bucks of them in a purple stegosaurus bank I've had since I was 5.
It's not really collecting, but I cruise the free section of craigslist an pick up broken microwaves and repair them. Then I donate them to my Church who either sells them in the thrift shop or donates them to needy families. Because of that I have a ton of 'parts' ones that fill up a good portion of my garage.
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nope, I'm not OCD...just a normal guy here.
I have a hard time throwing things away, if that counts.
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I collect bells
Used to have some nice Waterfords, some really quaint antiques and one that held special sentimental value to me, until my ex-wife got hold of 'em
I'll never forgive her for that, and I'll never rebuild that collection to its previous glory
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Bottlecaps, but not for any specific reason, and I just put them in a box. If the Fallout series were real, I would be rich. Maybe I'll do something with them eventually.
Also, I still have my Star Wars Pokemon card collections
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Beer Bottle Caps!
I've been collecting them for years now, I'm going to turn them into art pieces. I have a planned a giant Ford Racing logo for the garage wall and a Block S for Michigan State for the family room.
I need more dark blue still I think though.
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Used to have so many of those
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I have tons. 2 shelves full of them so far. I usually pick a few up at flea markets if they're cheap enough
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Wheat Pennies
I have a few without copper that were made during WWII.
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I collect them also! Have been doing so for three years and countless beers. I gotta figure out what to turn them into though haha
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SUPER rudimentary dot drawing of what my ford racing will look like:
I did this real quick in Pshop the other day, obviously it would look better with proper distances when laid out with real caps. I was trying to get an idea of how big I needed to go to fit in the design because, well frankly you have a fixed dot size with bottle caps so if you don't have room to write out a script Ford, you're screwed. I believe I counted 88 around the outer blue oval. (I did this to scale in Pshop with a 1" paintbrush dot lol, yes i was bored at work that day.) The Blues and reds will vary because of different caps but I think it'll work when seen as a whole.
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I collected keys as a youngster. not special keys, just regular old any house key or padlock key or car key or whatever. Had a mountain of them when I moved countries and what was essentially just a pile of metal was scrapped
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Don't judge me but.....
Whataburger dine-in numbers :]
not my picture but I do have a bunch :]
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Those don't come with the meal.
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You know you're supposed to give those back, right? You planning to open your own store?
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Those are getting harder and harder to find. I've also got a couple of those steel pennies that I've come across.
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I know.... but I like them :]
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I'm ocd, but with lower case letters.
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haha I have a couple of those myself... my favorite one is 69 XD
Gotta love whataburger
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And I've been spending the '64s and '65s in my jar. I'll have to look for some. The clerk at the cigar store asked me if I wanted a $2 for change the other day. Hell ya! I'm sure she was happy to have it out of her till. I used to have an old $2 bearer note I got from the school lunchroom in about 1977. I lost track of it years ago, though.
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I collect cigar labels. I smoke at least one a week on average and I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them yet but yes I have hundreds.
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I smoke one a day. I'd be buried in bands if I kept them all!
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My grandpa used to work in the factory that made those, and at one point he gave me some. Car related ones I have are a Mustang, mail truck, Jeep Wrangler, Ford Ranger, Porsche 911, and an old gas pump. I meant to make a post about them a while back but forgot about it.
They're really neat and unique, I've never really seen anything like them being sold today.
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Haha I wish I could do that. Up here cigars start at 11$ for a machine rolled one and about 15$ for a hand rolled one so it adds up quick.
I'm curious where are you located? I'm always looking for smoking buddies haha
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I have kept nearly every pay stub for every paycheck I've ever received. I'm not sure why.
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Austin, TX. My daily smoke is a Punch London Club maduro . I get them for just over $2 a stick at the local shop. I need to save some money and just buy a box. Where is "up here" where cigars are so insanely expensive?
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I'm not sure why, either.
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Oh wow! I've always wanted to visit Austin and possibly move there. I'm going to see if I can find one of those locally!
I'm in bitter cold Montreal (French Canada). I try and get friends/clients to send or bring me cigars from the travels but it's hard haha. Last night I actually smoked an unbranded cigar from Puerto Rico brought to me by a friends father.
I never thought there would be cigars rolled there, let alone how great it turned out.
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I work at a bank and we have like $200+ worth of wheat pennies that are just chilling in the vault.
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I found an old bronze age roman or greek coin when someone brought in a bunch of coin to cash in at the bank I work at. I looked it up and it is worth around $30
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Surely there must be less expensive cigars in Montreal. It's not Winnipeg, but heaven's sake!
Cigars are rolled all over the Caribbean. Cuba and the Dominican Republic are the two major exporters. But there are plenty that are rolled here in the US.
Austin is a nice place. Like so many others, I came here to go to graduate school and stayed. We've lived since about 1993.
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NIIICE! That is my holy grail card :] Still looking for it
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Interesting! I've been keeping all the old pre-Euro coins that I find, as well as the few Danish and French scrip that I kept after my trips there. It's only got sentimental value, of course, and that's why I keep it.
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Who knows it might be worth something in a couple years or so. I was amazed by how much some coins are worth. There are some older american coins that are worth $100k+! I'm hoping one of those comes through the door someday.
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Dude, that's awesome! You must have had some free time on your hands to make all those dots haha I'd like to make a Datsun logo of some sort, but only god knows how many more bottle caps that would take
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I was so happy when the lady who brought me my food didn't ask for it back... I think she knew how badly I wanted it by looking at my face and just decided to go ahead and let me have it lol
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Hahaha. I've got a big bucket, I spent an hour and a half a week or two ago organizing by their main color. By main color I mean I have 2 different style red caps, some have white lettering, some orange, the main color is the important one that will define how the dot looks, so the lettering doesn't matter it's supposed to be a collage.
I'll definitely do some pics as I work on it (whenever I get the time)
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Antique ocean liner post cards. I have all of the White Star ships (save for a pre-sinking Titanic card....those go for more than $1K), most of the Cunards, and a whole bunch of Italian, German, French, Dutch, Scandinavian, and American ships. A few Greek and Polish ships, too.
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My dad sailed Cunard back in about 1961 when he went to Salzburg to study music at the Mozarteum. He tells the story of when they were docking, in Le Havre, I think, and one of his American shipmates said, "Wow! Look at all the foreign cars!"
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Ha there is a sign on them that say "absolutely no one can have the wheat pennies!"